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Impro HCM940 Cluster Controller




The Impro HCM940 Access Portal cluster controller offers unrivalled simplicity and cost-effectiveness. True plug-and-play modular hardware means you simply plug units together and all the power and communication cabling is done for you, with just one click. Need to expand your installation? Simply plug more units together – it’s that quick.
Impro HCM940 Cluster Controller Module is the cornerstone of our clustered access control, offering you:
• Simplified installations
• Plug and play clustering
• Powerful offline operation
• Processing power to control up to 64 doors
• Switches between four modes of operation by changing a dip-switch setting
• Anti-tamper switch
• 8 LED diagnostic indicators
• S-Bus port to connect cluster modules up to 150m away
• RS485 and TCP/IP connection options
Impro HCM940 Cluster Controller Module comes with a variety of modules, which simply clip together, depending on your application:
• Wiegand reader module
• Antenna reader module
• S-Series reader module
• IO8 module

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